It has been proven that cellulite is not just an esthetic problem though it can be a great challenge if you have a lot of it and want to wear short skirts and shorts. According to the latest research, cellulite is the most common indicator of mental saturation, emotional instability, spiritual re-examination, or impasse, improper diet, unhealthy and stressful lifestyle and metabolic disorders due to hereditary and other factors.

It has been proven that cellulite is not just an esthetic problem though it can be a great challenge if you have a lot of it and want to wear short skirts and shorts. According to the latest research, cellulite is the most common indicator of mental saturation, emotional instability, spiritual re-examination, or impasse, improper diet, unhealthy and stressful lifestyle and metabolic disorders due to hereditary and other factors.

Cellulite is still a woman's biggest burden on the physical level because it disturbs the beautiful appearance even though, if it gets stinging, cellulite can cause more serious disorders such as swelling of the leg and the arm, weight sensation, back and joint pain or chronic fatigue and leg warming.

Because of this, cellular access from all aspects, from emotional to spiritual to mental and physical, and only through the efforts of all these fronts, can be permanent and satisfying results and changes. Solution to cellulite requires patience so our advice - with cellulite  step by step.

Many times you read about cellulite or whether it was fatal, it felt it under your skin.

We all know what cellulite is and how it looks. The problem is not recognition but solving that unwanted fat tissue that, apart from being obstinate, can very well have itches and hurt. Cellulitis is often not associated with obesity, so a strong baby and pretending to lose weight do not help.

And you are one of those who tried it all and the results are barely visible. You are rightly asked - is there a cure?

Cellulite consists of water, fat and toxins, and it usually accumulates on the buttocks, thighs and abdomen. It can be hereditary or is caused by unhealthy lifestyle (most often) and hormonal imbalances (pms, menopause, pregnancy, puberty, contraception).

Cellulite can be soft (more widespread and easier to remove), and hard (localized and painful), and the main feature of both forms is reduced circulation and fluid retention.

How to get rid of cellulite?

1. Cellulitis is best attacked from multiple fronts and one of the most significant is a massage that will stimulate circulation and break up hard fat deposits. With the massage it is good to visit the sauna or otherwise to induce sweating (wrap in the foil) through which excess liquid, salts and toxins will be removed.

2. It is good to reduce the intake of coffee (caffeine), tea, alcohol, carbohydrates and fast food, and increase the intake of vegetables and fruits (best apples and fried pineapple), and replace unhealthy snacks with healthy (carrots, dried fruits, crackers, popcorn no fat etc.). The best diet is Mediterranean.

3. Check your hormones (even if you are drinking a contraceptive pill) because hormonal imbalance can also benefit from fatigue and cell growth because of the wrong messages your body gets and thus accumulates unnecessary fat supplies.

4. Work as much water into the body (not juices and other drinks) as it will speed up cleansing the body and so release all the toxins that load the metabolism and its metabolism. Tasting is also important, so if you have trouble inserting into a menu of dry plums, algae, muscle, oats, flax and so on.

5. Switch tight clothing and deal with some activity that will further stimulate circulation. A couple of times a week for half an hour will be enough to start. Mountaineering, walking, biking ... are ideal for traveling and socializing, so why not take advantage of it?

6. Make baths that will stimulate circulation and dissolving fat tissue:

Ivy bath: 100 grams of quick-fry cook 10 minutes in 1 liter of water, scrub and bath into the bath.

Bath with ginger: grind 200 grams of fresh ginger, wrap it in a jug and sip in a hot tub. Enjoy about 20 minutes. Repeat every other day for at least three weeks.

Bath with essential oils: pour 30 drops of essential oil of grapefruit, lemon, blueberries, ginger, eucalyptus, sandalwood, sage or cedar (most mixed with five) and mix with warm water in the tub. Lie in a refreshing bath for at least 20 minutes. Repeat as desired.

7. On other baths, therapy with garlic and ginger are very effective:

Oaky curd: mix 50 grams of oak bark with 200 grams of boiled olive oil, and then massage the body parts where cellulite appeared. After massage, skim the salt with cold and hot water and scratch it with a sponge. Repeat the procedure for ten days in a row, then several times a week.

Ginger curd: add 150 grams of ginger every day and wrap it in a mug. Heat 5 liters of water in the pot when the water is pouring ginger into the water. Put rubber gloves on your hands (do not open the skin). Take the middle towel, soak it in water with ginger (which remains warm but cannot bleed), drain the towel (if you need to cool it slightly) and put it in place where it is cellulite. After a few minutes, repeat the procedure - the cushion must be warm. Repeat every day until cellulite disappears. It is important that water with one used ginger is no longer used - every day new water and fresh ginger.

#Beauty tip by Mary #CELULIT
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